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How we significantly improved the rating of the bike to work app
How we significantly improved the rating of the bike to work appBlogDesign

How we significantly improved the rating of the bike to work app

In this article, we report on how we successfully improved the rating of the bike to work app after eight years of operation…
Read More Promoting sustainable nutrition through digital solutions
Christian Kramer und Martin Mächler präsentieren beim ein digitales Menüleitsystem zur Förderung nachhaltiger Ernährung in der Gastronomie. Promoting sustainable nutrition through digital solutionsBlogEventsKI Promoting sustainable nutrition through digital solutions

At the, Christian Kramer and Martin Mächler presented FOOD2050, a digital menu guidance system to promote sustainable nutrition in the food service…
Read More You ≠ User. The path to a user-centered MVP You ≠ User. The path to a user-centered MVPBlogDesignEvents You ≠ User. The path to a user-centered MVP

Successful right from the start: Sabine, Sanja and Manuel explained the role of early validation in product development in the
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Funding secured through CBI Innovation Booster
Eine Person hält ein Tablet mit einer Benutzeroberfläche, auf der eine Auswahl an Küchenelementen angezeigt wird. Die Oberfläche ermöglicht die Filterung nach Kriterien wie Kategorie, Marke, Energieeffizienz und Preis, um passende Produkte zu finden. Verschiedene Küchenschränke und Elemente werden mit Abbildungen, Preisen und Bewertungen dargestellt.
Funding secured through CBI Innovation BoosterBlogKI

Funding secured through CBI Innovation Booster

We actively support the circular economy with our MVP, which uses AI matching to recognize kitchen components and make them reusable.
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