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Flink is a communication, participation and administration solution for housing cooperatives. The industry solution offers a digital point of contact for all tenant concerns and includes elements such as a newsfeed, marketplace, event area and much more.

Real estate management companies that already rely on Flink

About Flink

Flink is an electronic counter and virtual meeting point for housing cooperatives. For administrations that use it to digitize their processes. And for residents, who can network with each other, participate in community life and conveniently make repair notifications or reservations online. Flink is available as a mobile app and web application.

The application was launched by the Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Zürich (ABZ) and realized by us. Today, thousands of residents from around 60 estates use Flink to quickly and easily share news, photos and offers as well as manage resources.

Wohnsiedlung mit Balkonen und rotem Fensterladen in einer gepflegten Grünanlage, verwaltet von der Immobilienverwaltung ABZ in der Siedlung Herrlig.

Nimble in detail

We have been continuously developing Flink since 2018. Flink has been supported by an interest group since 2021. ABZ, Panter AG and Wohnbaugenossenschaften Schweiz (Zurich regional association) are active members of the IG.

Active distribution via the community of interest achieves a multiplier effect: all members of the IG are beneficiaries of the application’s full range of functions, contribute to the development of the roadmap and strategy and participate in the further development and operating costs.

Interested in working with us?

Let’s tackle your challenges together – contact us now.

Since we have been able to process our residents' repair reports via Flink, we have a better overview of all reports and can plan our janitors' assignments better. In two years, we have processed over 6,000 reports.

Nico LinggiBereichsleiter Bewirtschaftung, Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Zürich

Function catalog

Symbolbild des Newsfeeds der digitalen Verwaltungslösung Flink
Verwaltungslösung Flink Marktplatz
Symbolbild der Gruppenfunktion der digitalen Verwaltungslösung Flink
Symbolbild von Abstimmungen innerhalb der digitalen Verwaltungslösung Flink
Symbolbild von Profilseiten der digitalen Verwaltungslösung Flink
Symbolbild des Event-Bereichs der digitalen Verwaltungslösung Flink


  • Repair notification function: Damage cases and repair requests are quickly recorded and can be forwarded to a third-party system (ERP) or sent directly to the manager or janitor.
  • Booking and reservation system: A clear and simple way to reserve/book guest rooms, common rooms or parking spaces, for example.
  • Information areas: Information, files and specific contacts can be made available per estate, group or even for individual buildings. This area also contains a directory of all residents.

Get started today!

Contact us to find out more about the possible applications of Flink.