Helsana Insurance Company Ltd is the leading health and accident insurer in Switzerland with over 2 million policyholders. The aim of EasySales is to provide end customers, insurance advisors and general agencies with a central, simple and standardised solution for offering and selling insurance.
Offer and sell in a simple and standardised way thanks to EasySales.
One solution for everyone
EasySales has been integrated into Helsana’s existing digital channels, so that bounces from campaign pages or the CRM system and the forwarding of offers and applications to existing systems work smoothly.
Consultations can be conducted for multiple people at the same time and can be shared between individuals. Family members can complete their health declarations separately and tailor products individually. At the same time, insurance advisors can create a product configuration and send it to their customers so that they can easily add their personal details and complete an insurance application themselves.
”Panter not only helped us to create a super innovative consulting tool. Panter also helped us to successfully implement this new methodology with his experience in implementing Scrum projects.
Thomas SuhnerProject manager, Helsana Insurance Company Ltd